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greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Australia
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Canada
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) China
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Ballroom Dancing
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Classical Music
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Folk & Pop Songs
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) New Year Music
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Patriotic Songs
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Traditional Dances
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Malaysia
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Singapore
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) UK
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) USA

Chinese Phrases

Phrases derived from the character "風"

Trad. Simp. Pinyin English
fēng wind; news; style; custom; manner
風暴 风暴 fēng bào storm
風暴潮 风暴潮 fēng bào cháo storm surge
風波 风波 fēng bō disturbance; crisis
風潮 风潮 fēng cháo campaign; storm and stress
風車 风车 fēng chē windmill
風車星系 风车星系 Fēng chē xīng xì Pinwheel Galaxy
風洞 风洞 fēng dòng (n) wind tunnel
風度 风度 fēng dù (n) demeanor; conduct
風帆 风帆 fēng fán sail; sailing boat
風格 风格 fēng gé style
風光 风光 fēng guāng (n) natural scenic view
風化 风化 Fēng huà Eolian processes
風景 风景 fēng jǐng scenery; landscape
風浪 风浪 fēng làng (n) wind and waves; storm tossed sea
風力 风力 fēng lì wind-force; wind power
風流 风流 fēng liú distinguished and accomplished; outstanding; talented in letters and unconventional in life style; romantic; dissolute; loose; merry and lavish
風能 风能 fēng néng wind power
風氣 风气 fēng qì general mood; atmosphere; common practice
風琴 风琴 fēng qín organ (musical instrument)
風趣 风趣 fēng qù humor; wit; humorous; witty
風沙 风沙 fēng shā (n) wind borne sand
風尚 风尚 fēng shàng (n) current custom; current way of doing things
風濕 风湿 fēng shī rheumatism
風濕熱 风湿热 fēng shī rè rheumatic fever
風水 风水 fēng shuǐ fengshui; geomancy
風俗 风俗 fēng sú custom
風速 风速 fēng sù wind speed
風土人情 风土人情 fēng tǔ rén qíng local conditions (human and environmental)
風味 风味 fēng wèi local flavor; local style
風險 风险 fēng xiǎn risk; venture; hazard
風險投資 风险投资 fēng xiǎn tóu zī venture capital
風箱 风箱 fēng xiāng bellows
風信子 风信子 fēng xìn zǐ hyacinth (flower)
風信子科 风信子科 Fēng xìn zǐ Kē Hyacinthaceae
風雲 风云 Fēng Yún Fung Wan (comic book series)
風箏 风筝 fēng zhēng kite
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